How to use Inventory Logs & Activity Logs


In this tutorial, we are going to teach you about SoStocked activity logs. Logs show you a record of activity done in the system, such as changing lead times, warehouse inventory, creating new shipments, etc. Having access to these logs helps you and your team troubleshoot any errors or track changes.

Most Commonly Used: Vendor Logs

Go to the Vendors page and click on one of the vendors you want to find details on.

It will automatically show activity for that vendor in chronological order. Complete with columns showing inventory in/out, descriptions of changes, and more. You can personalize what columns you see just like how you can create dashboards on the Inventory Page. Additionally, you can add a filter for SKU, ASIN, Shipment ID, etc if you are looking for something in particular.

Master Log

You can access all available logs from one location! Go to the Settings Page and click on the Logs box.

This will give you a complete record of all changes in chronological order over the last 250 days. From here use the filters and columns to dial into more specific logs.

Purchase Order or Work Order Logs

You can access these logs from the Logs page, but you will need to know the order number for the information you are looking for. So in this case access all recent order logs by going to the Order page, go into Purchase Order or Work Orders and click on the Order you wish to open.

Inside the Order click on the "View Activity Logs" button.

How to Understand the In/Out Column

Sometimes you will see a black number and a grey number in the same box. This is when inventory is deducted or added, but SoStocked only had a certain number recorded as in stock. For example, the shipment for this item was 3000 units. 45 units in black were units available at the warehouse, 2955 in grey are the remaining units to make up the 3000 that weren't recorded as in stock.

Another example is a shipment for 50 units sent from a warehouse that did not have the warehouse inventory updated, SoStocked cannot deduct 50 units from 0 - so, on the log it shows 0 in black and -50 in grey.

Product Logs

To find logs on a product level - any product detail changes or product inventory level changes can be found on the product details page. From the Inventory page, click on the product name of the product you want to see. This opens the product detail page. Here, find the View Activity Logs button.

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