How To Create Multiple Forecasts For The Same Product


This is an advanced tutorial showing you a ninja hack for your forecasting. Make sure that you have completed the Mini Coursebefore you move forward with setting up your forecast If you have any questions regarding this ninja hack, first make sure that you understand the Regional Settings.

There could be a million reasons you would like to have two forecasts for the same product in the same marketplace or region. For example, you could compare different planning strategies or separate your purchasing and transfers with two forecasts. This tutorial will show you how to set up a second forecast for any product you have in SoStocked.

How to Set it Up

From the Inventory Page, click on the product you would like to create a second forecast.

Scroll down to Regional Grouping Settings and create an additional "region" by clicking + Add Custom Group

Name your group and add the marketplaces that you wish to track. You can create as many additional forecasts as you like by adding an additional custom group.

Now on your Forcast Page, you will have multiple forecasts available for the same product. You can then change the forecast setting for each forecast and compare the data.

Happy Forecasting!

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