Strategy - Sell-Thru

There are multiple ways to remove inventory from Amazon FBA, from Liquidations to Removals to Disposals and even FBA donations. This particular article focuses only on the Liquidation Program. However, for more context please also check out the full article to compare all methods and the pros and cons of each, here.

Sell-thru, or sell-through is the process of moving inventory by selling it quickly. Usually this is done by either lowering prices, running deals, or outside traffic to your listing.

Do your best to sell thru stock quickly. You may incur some aged fees along the way if it takes longer than 1 month but the benefits may outweigh the costs.


Avoid the removal orders


Continue to incur storage & aged fees.


Aggressively sell inventory to reduce financial risks where possible.

Sell through units using price drop, flash sales, increased advertising.


Dropping prices too quickly could get your offer suspended.

If you are only going to sell through the units impacted, you may want to leverage the increased sales velocity to earn higher page rank on targeted keywords to place yourself in a better market position.


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