Lightning Deals & Future Promotions

In this tutorial, we'll discuss the Lightning Deals tool on the Forecast page to set future promotions into your inventory planning.  

Navigate to the Forecast Page:

Begin by accessing the forecast page. Locate the Lightning Deals tool below the calculation variables and trend-related features.

Future Lightning Deals Section:

Identify the "Future Lightning Deals" section. This feature allows you to schedule upcoming promotions or sales, providing insights into projected sales volume to help adjust inventory accordingly.

Understanding Lightning Deals:

The term "lightning deal" is broadly used here, referring to short-term sales or promotions, especially relevant for Amazon FBA sellers. These can include events like flash sales before holidays.

Setting Up a Lightning Deal:

Suppose you plan a significant promotion just before Christmas. Select your desired date range, e.g., December 9th to December 10th, and specify the additional units you anticipate selling, such as 250 units.

Save and Automatic Adjustment:

Save your settings. The system will automatically incorporate the additional projected sales into your overall sales velocity, redistributing them evenly across the selected days.

Adjusted Velocity:

Observe the adjusted velocity, considering both regular sales and the impact of your lightning deal. This adjusted figure aids in making informed decisions about inventory requirements.

Inventory Management:

The system, recognizing the increased demand during promotional periods, prompts actions like transferring inventory from your warehouse or placing direct orders with Amazon, ensuring you have sufficient stock.

Versatility of the Tool:

The Future Lightning Deals tool isn't exclusive to lightning deals on Amazon. It can be applied to various external sales campaigns, such as Facebook ads, PPC campaigns, Google ads, and others. Simply input the relevant data for your planned sales.

Extended Planning:

Extend your planning beyond specific dates; for instance, strategize for the entire month. Specify the additional units you aim to sell over a designated period, helping you prepare for increased demand.


By utilizing the Lightning Deals tool on the forecast page, sellers can seamlessly integrate future promotions into their sales strategy, ensuring adequate inventory and optimized sales velocity during planned events.

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